Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We are scheduled to close on the house on the 29th. Yikes. And he is giving us an additional week after that to get out. There were some issues that came up with the inspection, but I think they have been resolved to our satisfaction. It also allowed us to request he throw in a one year home warranty also. Yay.

Wow. Are we really doing this? It is so exciting. And sad. Lord, don't get me started b/c between my dear friend across the street and I, we will flood the streets.

It is a good change. Change is good. Change is hard. I have found that the most rewarding and "growing" experiences of my life have resulted from me making a big change. A big, uncomfortable change. This has been especially true in my career.

It's super Tuesday. I suspect I will be up late watching the news to find out in what way "change" is coming this presidential election year. (Don't think I didn't notice most didn't comment on my previous political post. That's fine, but I hope that doesn't mean you aren't paying attention to what is going on in our country. With information available as it is, there is no excuse not to plug in. Do it!)

So change is everywhere. It is happening all around me. And you. Hmm. I need to put a change of address in with the post office.

How do YOU deal with change in YOUR life?


Anonymous said...

congrats! I can't wait to see the new place! Let us know if you want to have a moving party!

You're right, change can be very hard but it often has positive results. I tend to really overthink and obsess about things and play out every possible scenario when I'm faced with change. I guess I feel like I won't be surprised if I've already thought of a possible outcome. Probably not the healthiest approach to all things!

AndreAnna said...

I pretend it doesn't exist.

Healthy? Probably not.
Does it work? Like a charm.


Christina Schmidt said...

Freak out. Cry. Work out. Okay seriously I tend to talk about it. A lot. Mostly to Kevin these days (used to be with my girlfriends.) And I worry about it all but than when it happens I kick myself for the worry because it is usually unwarranted!

With that said SO EXCITED for you. It is a beautiful house! I know it will be wonderful for you and your family. Hang in there! If you need help moving let us know!

Kelly said...

LOL! I will not be flooding the streets, I promise! I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to come hang out in your new home. Let me know when I can take the kids for you, or when I can come help pack, etc.