Friday, September 28, 2007

Tired talk

For those who don't have kids, let me warn you that part of the job of mommyhood includes getting up at 3:30 am with a crying two year old who had a bad dream. For those of us who are lucky to have "hands on husbands/ daddies", a quick jab of the elbow will get him up and off to rescue her from whatever looms in the shadows of her dark bedroom before our eyes even fully open. However, sometimes (particularly during the WORST possible times) daddy's just won't do and all sweet girl wants is "Mommmmmmmy!" (insert wailing) Having a daughter who has been a good sleeper the majority of her life, it's generally not a big deal as these episodes are infrequent. However, when you are NINE MONTHS pregnant, exhausted, and it takes HOURS to turn your mind off enough to fall asleep...well, let's just say, it falls under one of those "worst possible times."

My girl was up at 3:30 am and after almost an hour of cuddles, kisses, and rocking, was able to lay back down and drift off to sleep content with her sleepy lion (her equivalent of a blankie). And while I have to admit I did enjoy our time together last night...the quiet of the night, the smooth feeling of the rocking chair, memories of rocking her after 2am feedings just a couple of summers ago... I was not able to get myself back to sleep. Ever.

Today was looooooooong. The weather was beautiful, but I was too tired to play outside (refrain from judging me, please). I was exhausted all day long. My girl was well behaved today and easily entertained (as long as I let her eat play-doh and cereal all day), but I was not. I am restless. I am tired. Even now, as my husband snoozes in the recliner next to me, I am unable to slow down my mind. It's filled with useless information, to-do lists for the weekend, longing for a night out on the town with girlfriends, and well...preparations for BABY. Not to mention all the contractions I've had today, which are wreaking (?) havoc on my mental health, as I feel like I've been in a 10 hour game of "are they stronger? are they closer? is this "it"?" A game that I keep losing....

Okay. I am tired. Sorry for the mindless chattering...I am...well, you know, tired. I will watch The Bridges of Madison County for the 0.5 minutes I can sit down quietly before I jump up, organize a closet, work on a report for work, or clean something.


Kelly said...

I know there's nt much to say that will make you feel better, so all I'll say is, I feel ya! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hope you've recovered from your sleepless night. I've had a few of those myself lately, although not from kids having bad dreams, of course. Since there's been no entry since Friday, I assume there's no news on the baby front. Kerstin is always asking about you, so I check and let her know. Better yet, I should give her the url and let her look for herself. Hugs to you and the family, Aunt M.