Tuesday, September 18, 2007

35 week update

Well, I'll be 36 weeks on Thursday and things remain the same. I saw my doctor this morning and have not dilated any more. Ugh! I am a little frustrated since I've been dealing with contractions for the past TEN WEEKS. Not to mention the back pain, sharp lower abdominal pain, and the breathing difficulties.

Little mister is still way high (like K was) and is enjoying his time in utero. Can't blame him. Hanging out in a warm, dark, calm pool of water 24/7 sounds pretty darn nice to me.

So the waiting continues. I feel guilty for wanting him to hurry up and arrive due to my own anxiety and uncomfortable-ness. That's not fair, is it. So, I am going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the last weeks of pregnancy. His arrival is inevitable after all. And soon enough I will long for the feeling of the little (ha!) kicks and flutters of my baby happily swimming away inside.

Remind me of this when I am complaining of the back pain, sleeplessness, and inability to catch my breath in the coming week(s).


Anonymous said...

Hey, I was curious about the status of things and remembered to check your blog. Now I know things are ok. Glad to hear it. Hope to hear from you soon. Swiss Miss (you know who, right?).

Kelly said...

You could look at this as some more time before the real chaos begins. You know, sleepless nights, 2 am feedings, not knowing whether you're coming or going, etc. :)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! I keep reminding myself that Baby Boy will come when he's ready but it's hard to not be anxious for his arrival.

Sorry you're not progressing any further at this point but once that little guy bakes for a couple more weeks you can be absolutely sure that he's ready to go!

Christina Schmidt said...

You are doing great! Just remember, it could worse - imagine waiting 14 days PAST your due date!!!

I will be sending you positive vibes for baby birth!!