Friday, November 9, 2007

Two kids and a dog...

Current mood: accomplished

All have had baths within a 24 hour period. Yep, that's right! I must be the most talented mother on the whole planet! heh heh

What do you suppose it means when you tell your dog, "C'mon Molly! Let's go take a bath!" and she actually runs up the stairs and hops into the bathtub? Yep, you got it right. It means that it has been wayyyyyyyyyy too long since she's had a bath!!! (Or that she is so lacking in attention since the arrival of the two kids, she looks forward to the five minutes of my undivided attention!)

Pretty exciting day over here as you can see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job! We've resorted to giving Lily showers and poor Cameron hates the bath so much that he only gets clean about twice a week. I don't know when the dogs last got baths. How bad is it that we sometimes try to plan trips out of town just so the dogs can get baths at the kennel? :-)