Saturday, November 3, 2007

K update

Current mood: grateful

I thought some of you might appreciate an update about some of the funny/interesting things K is doing to make us laugh these days. I know we don't get to see our friends and family as often as we'd like, so this is meant to serve as a small glimpse into our lives these days.

1. K loves saying "A-ha!" as though she has found a secret clue that has been sought out by the greatest of treasure seekers for thousands and thousands of years. (It makes me smile a HUGE smile every time I hear it)

2. Her favorite movie is "Elmo's Potty" and she asks to watch it about 100 times per day. Mommy allows her to watch it once per day, after her nap. I don't know why I don't let her watch it more, I sing the damn songs in my head all day anyway...

3. K has been wearing "big girl panties" for the past ten days and has done awesome. We bought a child size toilet seat that attaches to the big potty and viola! instant attraction/motivation to K. (I have NO idea why I didn't think of that earlier instead of using that overpriced, little kid sized potty)

4. She loves to sing and perform (unless someone is watching her of course)... especially songs from Elmo's Potty (see above). However, if MOMMY sings along too, she says forcefully "STOP IT MOMMY" and then continues on her own. LOLOLOL (guess that says tells you about my singing)

5. She loves to color with markers. Unfortunately, she loves coloring body parts with markers. Most of the time, she keeps it on paper but sometimes if Mommy turns her head for a brief second (Heaven forbid!), Kate winds up with interesting color streaks in her hair, on her face, hands, feet, elbows, chin, ears, toes....

6. K loves her baby brother and asks where he is whenever she walks into a room and doesn't see him. She asks to hold him daily and offers him sweet kisses on his head. I enjoy this immensely and know that it won't be long before she'll be screaming at him to leave her alone and to STOP touching her stuff!

7. The birth of her baby brother has somehow rendered K unable to descend the stairs or get down off of Mommy and Daddy's bed without being held. Hmmmm....not as bad of a regression as I thought we'd have.

8. K counts to 30 (although often skips 16 and 26 for some reason) and identifies most of her ABC's. She also proudly comments when there are "two" of something. Most recently, she enjoys announcing to the world that she has TWO grandmas (She also has FOUR grandpas, but hasn't figured that one out yet. )

9. Ktalks about her friends from daycare constantly. Her little world revolves around G, M, L, and little M. Before she does most anything in her day, she comments that one or all of them are doing the same thing at that very moment. "G go potty on the toilet, Mommy?" "M eat green beans, Mommy?" "Where is L's baby, Mommy?" "Little M goes night-night too, Mommy?"

10. She loves playing upstairs right now. She loves playing upstairs by herself even more. Generally "upstairs" play consists of getting into Mommy's work papers, lingerie drawer, or make up. She also loves taking books off of the bookshelf in her room and reading them outloud to herself (or her babies).


Anonymous said...

Very cute! I love hearing this stuff! We definitely have a lot of #9 going on here too. It's pretty funny! Lily thinks there is three of everything even if there is only two...

Christina Schmidt said...

I too love to hear this stuff!!! Ditto on #9 in fact last night before Matthew fell asleep he asked what is Kate doing RIGHT now?! I said sleeping in hopes that he would close his eyes - this rarely works but I ALWAYS TRY!!! Thank you for sharing!!