Friday, March 7, 2008

We're home!

We made it! We now live in a world filled with boxes, dust, newspaper, and chaos. Oh wait. We lived there before. Now we live there again, but with more room! We are getting settled in and the kids are doing very well. K struggles with her afternoon nap (perhaps because she has no curtains on the FOUR windows in her room?) and J had to cry for a few minutes the other night because he was struggling getting himself to sleep. But other than that, we are all functioning. K now says "We home!" Instead of "we going to the NEW house, Mommy?" I suspect there may be some adjustment issues in a few weeks as she tends to react to things a little further down the line rather than immediately. But regardless, I cannot ask for more. They are both doing really well.

Our first night here included a flooded laundry room and a call to our realtor's handyman, and eventually, a new sump-pump (?) in the basement. The first two days included 50 degree weather (seriously?)and we were thrilled at how "efficient" our new home felt as far as maintaining temperature. Now that we are back in the 20's, it's hard not to notice the LARGE gap in the outside door in the master bedroom, the large CRACK down the middle of the same door, or the FROST that I swear accumulates in our sheets before we get into bed each night. Or the fact that there is water leaking from the sunroom roof onto the fireplace mantle. ;) At least it is out in the sunroom and we can ignore it for awhile... There is a lot of work to do here. But, it is our work to do and we are excited about it.

I feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of CRAP we have to put away. Did all this really come out of our little 1600 sq foot house? Where did we put it all? Where do we put it all now? For every box I empty, it seems three more take its place. I am anxiously awaiting having friends and family over to our new home, but want to wait until there is some order to this chaos. Or at least until we know where to find the extra toilet paper should we need it...

We are home. And we love it. Thanks for all your encouragement and support!


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are getting settled. I can't wait to see the new place! That sucks that you've had some issues with flooding/heat already. That's how it always is, huh?

Kelly said...

Yea! You're back online! You say the word and I'll be over to help you unpack (and paint) at any time! I can't wait to come hang out!

Christina Schmidt said...

YEAH! I glad you are hear you are getting situated! It will all come together. I finally organized a closet recently almost a full year after we moved in. AND we are still trying to decide what to do with space and furniture.

I cannot wait to see the place - if you need help with anything just let me/us know!

Kindy, Minnie Pie, Kaddo said...

I'm so excited for you....I like your comment about, there's a lot of work to do, but it is our work, our home. I can't wait to come see it and you and the kids. When are you coming for Easter, Friday or Saturday? Can't wait to see how big the little guy has gotten. Oh yea, I have more clothes for Kate...Summer ones!
Love ya!