Friday, December 4, 2009


I ordered Jack a backpack from ( It shipped very quickly and they did a beautiful job adding his name and a picture to personalize it. When it arrived, I opened it up and realized I had accidentally ordered him the "big kid backpack" rather than the "little kid backpack". The backpack is so big Jack could climb inside it! I called the company (which is just a couple working out of their home I think) to tell them of my error and ask if there was anything I could do.

They not only said they would send me out the little backpack with the emblems and writing I had requested, but they told me to just keep the big backpack for when Jack gets bigger. Since they were letting me keep TWO backpacks, I offered to pay for the little backpack so that they would not lose money over my error, which they declined. They only asked that I order from them again sometime. Which of course I will do. A million times. Check out their website..they do GREAT work and are a wonderful, kind couple!


Kelly said...

Love that there are good people/businesses (sp?) out there!

I'm sure I'll be ordering a "big kid" backpack soo enough. ;)

melissa said...

LOVE those backpacks!!!