Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Secrets of a Mother Part I

Having been a mother for (a mere) five and a half years, I've discovered that there are a few "secrets" that were kept hidden from me. Things other mothers knew about, but didn't warn me about.  Some are hilarious, some are astounding, others heartbreaking.  I'm posting just a few here and hope that you will share your's too!  (FYI, it is research for a book)  So pipe in and share the secrets you have learned about motherhood!!!

1.  I had heard that my hair would change while pregnant, but I did not know it would be a permanent change.  Mine is a full two shades darker than it was prior to having kids (and I secretly love it this way!).  And curlier.  Well, "curlier" is really too nice of a description, "frizzier" is more accurate.

2.  I did not know my feet would grow by two sizes.  (It can be hard to find cute shoes in a size 9 1/2)

3.  I did not know I would have it within me to want to smack another child just because he hurt my child's feelings.  (I didn't do it, btw!  But seriously wanted to)  :)

4.  You know how all your "issues" came up when you were planning your wedding?  You know, the ones buried deep down inside from your childhood? Just when you thought you were done with those, you have a baby and Lordy, do they come back bigger than ever!

5.  Trusting yourself with your child is the hardest thing you will ever do.  Until you have to trust someone else with your child. 

6. The best words you will ever hear are "Mommy!  Mommy!"  But on some days, those are the words you that drive you to the brink!

What secrets have you learned?

1 comment:

Christina Schmidt said...

What to do, what to do, work, not work, work from home, stay at home? Child care and schools. All aspects of what to do for your kids that is best for you, your fam and, most importantly, them is the most difficult, minding bending, stressful aspect of raising kids. It kind of feels like you damned if you do and damned if you don't (work, stay at home for instance.)

How much pregnancy ages your bod like instantly. I suddenly felt like 85 yr old woman in the months after giving birth both times. Gray hair, crackling joints, wrinkles that seemed to appear our of no where, yay!

Teaching a child manners is a NEVER ENDING process.

Buying children clothing is a never ending process as well!

Get used to having picky eaters. That is life but do not stop giving your kids those foods. M Bug would not eat chicken for almost half a year. We just kept offering it and eating it ourselves and now he eats it without complaint.

Hope that's helpful!!